You might have caught wind of it, or perhaps it slipped by unnoticed, but one thing's certain: this natural wonder has captivated the attention of everyone in the Northern Hemisphere. Chances are, many didn't quite grasp what they were witnessing, but this mesmerizing display has been illuminating the skies of the Arctic and Iceland for millennia.
One of the most captivating ways to witness the Northern Lights, also known as the 'aurora borealis' scientifically, is aboard an expedition ship. Cruising is particularly appealing for northern lights seekers because the ships can access remote areas without light pollution, allowing guests to see the aurora in its full brilliance. Prime viewing spots are found in Norway, Iceland, Finland, Greenland, and Northern Canada — all homes to remarkable Arctic cruises during the summer months.
Given our recent brush with this extraordinary celestial phenomenon, we're thrilled to showcase some amazing promotions featuring specially tailored itineraries centered around the Northern Lights.